Shin Center of Integrative Sports Medicine

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Overall Body Breakdown

K.D., Age 55 Director of Marketing

Enjoys: Body Building/Triathlons

Condition: Overall Body Breakdown

Since she was young, K.D. has always been active. K.D. is a triathlete.

K.D.’s body started breaking down from hard training. She suffered from an unknown virus for 4 months which was not typical for a very healthy individual like K.D. She felt that there was something systematically wrong. She tried every well known sports medicine doctor in the Philadelphia area. She tried dry needling and prolotherapy from other facilities but she did not get better. 

None of the doctors could pinpoint what was wrong. K.D. continued to search for the answer since she had no choice but to get better before the full Ironman in 2016. She had been training all year for this race!

“I’ve run the gamut of sports medicine doctors in this area, and he (Dr.Shin) is the greatest. He works to get to the root of the issues, not just treat the symptoms.”

K.D. heard about Dr.Shin through a triathlete friend. With Dr.Shin’s treatments and guidance, K.D.’s body system rebooted. Dr.Shin got her body ready for the race in just 6 weeks. Dr.Shin put her on homeopathics, did PRP procedure on her right shoulder which she was originally headed for surgery.

“Dr.Shin is the go-to doctor if you’re any kind of an athlete.”

K.D. got through the full Ironman training and race in 2016. She is able to manage her system with Dr.Shin’s ISM (Integrative Sports Medicine) treatments. K.D. continues to be active and participate in Ironman events. She comes to see Dr.Shin for maintenance visits and/or when she has major races coming up.